Here you will find a selection of different articles about our products.
- 2021_08_VARIPROP_GP-107_5-Blade_EN.pdf (225.9 KiB)
- 2021_08_VARIPROP_GP-107_5-Blatt_DE.pdf (269.4 KiB)
- 2021_04_Seglerzeitung: SPW_DNV GL Zertifikat.pdf (1.7 MiB)
- March 2021: Award for successful engineering achievement. In 2021 the SPW GmbH again receives the renowned DNV-GL-Certificate for feathering Propellers. (849.8 KiB)
- 2021_03_Pressemitteilung: Auszeichnung für erfolgreiche Ingenieurleistung: DNV-GL-Zertifikat.pdf (980.4 KiB)
- DNV-GLT YPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE: Feathering Propeller series VP, GP, DF (186.3 KiB)
- 2018_10_WasserSport: Der Propeller ist dein Kumpel.pdf (546.9 KiB)
- 2006_Boat_Dealer_Chandler_SPW.pdf (2.2 MiB)
- 2005_Boots-Wirtschaft_SPW.pdf (1.0 MiB)
- 2004_Meer_Yachten_Hanseboot_SPW.pdf (2.2 MiB)
- 2004_Mer_Bateaux_Eleonora_SPW.pdf (4.1 MiB)
- 2004_Mer_Bateaux_Lulu_SPW.pdf (3.4 MiB)
- 2005_Mer_Bateaux_Lulworth_SPW.pdf (2.3 MiB)
- 2005_Mer_Bateaux_Orion_SPW.pdf (3.1 MiB)
- 2007_Segel-Journal_Antigua_Classics_Eleonora_SPW.pdf (2.7 MiB)
- 2007_Yacht_Lulworth3_SPW.pdf (2.9 MiB)
- 2018_10_SEGELN: Der Propeller ist dein Kumpel.pdf (562.7 KiB)
- 2019_01_Sportschipper: Wenn´s rund laufen muss.pdf (277.0 KiB)
- 2021_03_Palstek 3-21_Seite 6_SPW.pdf (69.0 KiB)
- 2021_04_IBI_German Equipment_SPW_DNV GL Zertifikat.pdf (361.9 KiB)
- SPW Proptalk VARILOCK & GP-5-Blatt german (1.7 MiB)
- SPW Proptalk VARILOCK & GP-5-Blatt english (1.7 MiB)
- 2023_10_VARIPROP_GP-128_DE.pdf (841.3 KiB)
- 2023_10_VARIPROP_GP-128_EN.pdf (838.6 KiB)
- 2024_Press Release_Stefan Himme Sole Managing Director.pdf (1.4 MiB)
- 2024_Pressemitteilung_SPW_Unternehmensübergabe.pdf (1.4 MiB)
- SPW-Gebaeude.jpg (1.7 MiB)